Downsizing – DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:19:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Over-readers Anonymous: Step One – Remove the Book Clutter! Wed, 16 Mar 2016 01:05:12 +0000 I have a love of books that date back to being a toddler, when my mom would read “I Wish That I Had Duck Feet” by Dr. Seuss.  I remember gently rocking back & forth in a rocking chair while the rhyming words swirled around in my toddler head—this was just the start of my […]

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I have a love of books that date back to being a toddler, when my mom would read “I Wish That I Had Duck Feet” by Dr. Seuss.  I remember gently rocking back & forth in a rocking chair while the rhyming words swirled around in my toddler head—this was just the start of my love affair with books.

Until just a few years ago, I had 2 huge book cases that were double-stacked with volumes ranging from children’s fiction to college text books, and piles had formed next to couches and the bed. I could not imagine my life without these friends surrounding me.

Today, I am the proudcleanshelves owner of approximately 20 books – six of which are craft books. To move from one extreme to the other took some serious work, and time (and a newfound appreciation for library books).  Here are a few suggestions to help even the biggest bibliophile relieve your sagging shelves of stress—without buying more shelves.

How to Declutter your Bookshelves:

1. Divide and Conquer – Get ruthless with your “yet to read” pile

My rule of thumb is simple: If it hasn’t been read in six months, it probably won’t ever be read. If you’re not sure, dedicate a space to “need to read” books, and note the date. Any books that started out on that shelf on that date but were still there six months… do you really intend to read them?

If you’re concerned that you’ll still want to read something, make a note of it in your notebook – title, author, ISBN – so you can find a library copy in the future.

2. Share with others!

Anytime you find yourself thinking “So and so would LOVE this book!” write that name down on a sticky note, stick it on the front cover, and set the book aside.

3. Check for overlap of non-fiction information

Organize your non-fiction books by topic, then see if you have multiple books on the same topic. Is the content overlapping?

When I sorted through my shelves, once I saw where I had doubled up on topic, it was easier to let go of a few books.

4. Consider why you are attached to the book

If a book is not one you read or refer to often, consider whether you are keeping it because of how the story made you feel, or because it was a meaningful gift.

To reduce your attachment to the book itself, take a few minutes to write about your connection to the book, or even take a photograph of it, and once your emotions and thoughts are out of your head, it is easier to let the book be enjoyed by a new person. (Of course, if the book was a gift from a friend or relative who would note its absence, you might want to keep it around for when s/he visits!)

5. Look for multiple copies
Do you really need two copies of that book?  Was one a gift?  Decide which version you want to keep, and send the other(s) to a new home for someone else to appreciate and enjoy.

6. Set aside one shelf as your “deserted island” shelf

desertedisland This shelf is for the books I’d want with me if I were stranded on a deserted island, that I could read over and over again for the rest of my life. As you are sorting through the texts, move these books to a dedicated shelf.

Not only is it comforting to have a “saved” section as you pare down others, but you now have a physical boundary – you can have no more “desert island” books than will fit on this one shelf, so you are forced to really think about your collection.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Ensure you have a notebook, sticky notes, a pen, & boxes or sturdy reusable bags – If your book-rehoming supplies are not on hand, you’ll have an excuse for why you can’t sort or get rid of them.
  • Stay hydrated – Keeping a glass of water nearby will help you stay alert and focused, and away from getting distracted in the kitchen.
  • Set a timer – Sort through your books for no more than 30 minutes the first go-round to avoid overwhelm.
  • If you begin to feel overwhelmed – Take a few minutes away from the shelves. This is a new experience for you and it takes some getting used to!
  • Group books into categories – then work through one category at a time.
  • Honour your emotions – Your sentimental attachment to your books is not something to feel ashamed of. Acknowledging your emotions as you sort through your books can be the first step in helping you move past that attachment and towards a more minimalist book collection.

And remember: you acquired these books over time, so it will likely take some time to sort and re-home your textual friends. By spending a few minutes per week dedicated to letting go of a few books at a time, you may find your feelings shifting towards the stories and the moment rather than the books themselves.

Last but not least, after your shelves are sorted, consider using one of my favourite rules for avoiding book clutter—One book in, one book out!

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Consultation Report #3: Senior downsizing and on the move. Wed, 06 Feb 2013 13:54:47 +0000 This report involves such tasks as: decluttering, purging, packing, moving, & setup for client in new home. (Note: Italics for quick scanning of document.) Hello Mr. Robertson. This is a review of the main concerns that we covered and discussed during our recent consultation.  The following points can serve as a guide to keep us […]

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This report involves such tasks as: decluttering, purging, packing, moving, & setup for client in new home.

(Note: Italics for quick scanning of document.)

Hello Mr. Robertson.

This is a review of the main concerns that we covered and discussed during our recent consultation.  The following points can serve as a guide to keep us focused on your objectives:

Frustration to be eliminated, obstacles to be overcome, problems to be solved…..

1)  House has been sold and closing date is May 22nd.  Belongings must be packed and moved before this date.  Condominium rental begins on April 15th so a moving date will need to be decided upon.

2)  Assessment of new living space needs to be determined.

3)  Family members maybe involved but client wants OMP to direct members so his wishes are upheld with regards to possessions.

Comments following from the above objectives:

1)  With the closing date of the house being May 22nd we need to start on the following:

–      Hire movers once a moving date has been chosen.  OMP have movers that provide an excellent corporate rate which is passed on to clients.  Would prefer a moving date in the middle of the week and not at the end of the month because of condo elevators and movers availability.

–      Compose a list of items that are moving to the new place so the movers can give us an estimate of hours for cost purposes.

–      Put process together for packing and moving(see below)

–      Provide an action list for each room so if family members are offering their help we can refer to this list.

2)  Your new condo has three bedrooms so there is ample living space. Part of the process will be doing a review of where furniture pieces will be placed and what new pieces will be necessary.  Please note that OMP has access to furniture pieces that maybe used in the new residence.  As far as I can see shelving units and a bed are items that are needed and OMP may be able to provide these pieces and the only cost involved with be moving charges.  This will be discussed in more detail as we get closer to the moving date.

3)  As noted in the consultation your valuable possessions are: books, files and garden supplies.  We understand that you do not want family members making decisions without consulting beforehand.  If family members are involved with the packing process, OMP will review all activity and ensure client’s wishes are upheld.

Opportunities to focus upon and turn into your advantage.

1)  Terrific that your new location is so close to existing home.  This will give us the opportunity to move small items to the condo prior to movers.  When we assess items we will ensure they are packed, labelled correctly and put in an orderly fashion on the main floor so it is easy for movers to transport thus lower costs. Your new condo does not require a lot of furniture so we will choose the precious pieces that you want to take by putting “green stickers” on them.  One of the bedrooms can be used for your books but shelving will be necessary. 

2)  If family members are available to assist in the moving process then I will ensure there is a detailed job list that they choose from.  I always say more the merrier which also works in your favour from a cost perspective.

The plan and path…..

With the initial start-up of this project, your availability will be paramount because of the decisions and directions that need to be made.  With that said I will need to start the week of April 27th.   I normally work 8 to 10 hours a day but that does not mean I need those types of hours from you.  However, I will leave homework for you after each session which will be necessary due to the nature of the items (i.e. making decision on number of bottles files and books to be kept etc.)

Here is the process we will be following for the next couple of weeks:

1)  Remove all recycling and garbage items from home and prepare for pickup (i.e. recycling items – old magazines, cans, bottles; garbage items – rusty tools, broken/used items)

2)  Prepare spots in each room for organizing activities to be performed. Examples: Dining room table – to be used for kitchen items to be sorted.   Coffee table (livingroom) – for sorting paper items. It will also be imperative to clear all hallways/stairs of items to prevent accidents.

3)  Each room will need to have its items grouped, assessed, and either taken to new home, charity, or possibly a family member.  Listed below are the approximate hours for each room.  Hours could vary with the help of an assistant which can be discussed as the project progresses.

Livingroom – 5-6 hours

Diningroom – 4 hours

Kitchen – 5-6 hours

Back room (off of kitchen) 5-6 hours

Bedroom (Seed room) 10-15 hours

Bedroom (not viewed during consultation) ? hours

Basement (not viewed during consultation) ? hours

Second floor (not viewed during consultation)*

Breezeway 5-6 hours

Garage – 4-5 hours

Areas of concern:

–      Cannot gauge time factor for second floor or basement until they are reviewed.

–      Dumpster may be necessary for pieces of furniture and debris.  Please note I will use the public garbage system as much as possible to keep costs down. Note: garbage tags are needed after the third bag of garbage ($3.10 per garbage tag).

–      It is always difficult to make decisions especially with a house that has been your home for many years.  OMP works very quickly but will always respect the time it takes for client to make comfortable decisions.  With that said, gauging of hours can sometimes be incorrect, OMP will ensure that time is used wisely so you receive the best possible service.

–      Being that there has been water in basement, safety precautions will be necessary. i.e. masks, limiting exposure etc.

New residence – set up activities and estimated times.

–      Kitchen – being that client does minimal cooking, all that needs to be done is setting up a functional, save environment.  We will be moving some items from old kitchen and adding new items so client can have a good start in this area. – 4 hours

–      Livingroom – this will just require location of furniture plus adding pictures, knickknacks etc – 2 hours

–      Dining room – adding furniture to eating area 2 hours

–      Bedroom – assemble bed and add sheets. Put clothes in closet and dresser.  5 hours

–      2nd bedroom, this location can be used for files and books.  Shelving unit will be added so items can be placed in an orderly fashion. 5 hours

What Organize Me Please brings to this endeavour:

Rose Ritchi has eighteen years of experience in the IT Administration industry.  I have seven years as a professional organizer.  That experience has allowed me to assist people with customized solutions to increase the efficiency of their home, their office or their individual requirements.  A highly motivated self-starter who combines enthusiasm with a strong work ethic to achieve outstanding results and excellent client services.

Key competencies:

  • · Listening skills
  • · Multitasking
  • · Proactive problem solving
  • · The production of accurate and detailed work


I have two references that I can provide that have had the same services from OMP.  Let me know if you prefer email addresses or cell#s


Consultations: $99 (minimum of 2 hours, waived if services are employed)

Hourly rate $49

Administration hourly rate $35 (i.e shopping for moving items, producing activity or asset lists)

Moving (Additional costs) – items such as bags, tape, boxes, garbage tags will be purchased by OMP but we will advise before any purchases are done. Costs for a moving company plus dumpster services will also be discussed with client prior to hiring any company services.

Organizing assistant: Pricing various depending on the level of expertise.

Invoices are issued on Mondays for the previous working hours.  For this project they will be submitted to lawyer so invoices are paid at the time of closing (May 22nd 2011). In order to proceed with this project OMP would need confirmation from client’s lawyer that invoices will be paid at closing which is May 22nd 2011.

Project time: My estimate time at this point will be 12 to 15 business days.  Organize Me Please will use every avenue possible to implement cost reduction solutions.


Look forward to providing organizing services for your move and your new home.

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Consultation Report#2: Estate Organizing Project Wed, 23 Jan 2013 17:48:11 +0000 This report provides you with an insight to the necessary steps for a particular estate that resulted in great accomplishments. Here we go…   Note: for quick scanning purposes see the italic areas.     This is a review of the main concerns that we covered and discussed during our recent estate consultation.  The following […]

The post Consultation Report#2: Estate Organizing Project appeared first on DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please.

This report provides you with an insight to the necessary steps for a particular estate that resulted in great accomplishments. Here we go…


Note: for quick scanning purposes see the italic areas.



This is a review of the main concerns that we covered and discussed during our recent estate consultation.  The following points can serve as a guide to keep us focused on your objectives:


Frustrations to be eliminated, obstacles to be overcome, problems to be solved………..


1)   Home needs to be put in selling mode so that once the estate has been through the probate process you are in position for the real estate market.


2)   All household contents need to be grouped and assessed so family members can make decisions going forward.


Comments following from the above objectives:

1)   Selling mode for this home means “clean sweep” with no debris and as uncluttered as possible. Mould smell is at a level 9 on a scale of 10. This issues needs to be addressed before any activity is done in the home.  My recommendation is to pull out all the contents of basement and place under the deck and cover with a tarp.  Then start with picking up any loose debris on basement floor.   I am reluctant to sweep in this basement because of the spread of spores.  Once these tasks are completed a fogger needs to be rented (Home Depot rents them $18 for 4 hrs, $26 for 24 hrs) Using a mould control substance the area is sprayed with the fogger which coats all exposed surfaces.  Once solution dries the surface is mould free and mould resistant.  This is a MUST activity.  Mould causes a lot of illnesses and if we are asking friends and family for help we need to have a healthy environment. Not to mention that potential buyers would not be able to look beyond the smell in the basement. With the basement aerosolized it can now be our storage space for items that need to be kept until the house is sold/closes.  The existing furniture can be used to stage the house and enhance its appeal.  Also this gives us the opportunity to put the furniture in ready mode for consignment or for family members.  As you are aware the house maybe sold for property use only.  With that in mind our next area of concern will be the front and back yards.  With removal of debris and trimming of existing foliage we create a safe area for potential clients to walk around and view the property.

2)   Since there is a sibling (Mary) that lives in Burlington the task of dividing contents can be a little difficult since the estate location is Toronto.  My recommendation is to provide a detailed list of all contents and send via email to each sister.  If necessary for Mary, pictures can be send of contents that she is not familiar with.  The detailed list of contents will show names of sisters, charities, garbage and storage items. (see attached example) The whole purpose of the content list is so we can quickly go through all items and have a detailed list so there are no misunderstandings between family members especially during this grieving time.


Opportunities to focus upon and turn into your advantage.


1)   You have all made great head wave with your parents’ home in the last few months.  As you know it is a very exhausting and time consuming task since you cannot be impartial and emotions tend to take over.  Just terrific that you have containers and boxes and have started the sorting process in all rooms.  You are 50% of the way there!!

2)   Since all sisters have email addresses this will be a great way to communicate and resolve the issue of furniture and other contents. With digital pictures it also works to our advantage when trying to identify items.                                  



The plan and path………………….

With the initial start up of this project your availability will be paramount because of the decisions and directions that need to be made.  However before that can be done the basement has to be dealt with before anything can be accomplished in this home.


Here is the process that we will be following for the next couple of weeks:


1)   Fogger and mould containment activity to be completed. Once done prepare basement to be used as storage for items on 2nd and 3rd floor.

2)   Remove all garbage and recycling items in home

3)   Group all items and designate a spot in home for each group.

4)   Create a detailed list of all items in each group. Send list to family members for decisions to be made.

5)   Create a detailed task list of activities that need to be done to each room which puts the house in selling mode

6)   Items that have been designated for charities, arrange for pick up.

7)   All items that will be moved to basement for storage are contained and labelled and placed against one of the walls. I would like to group boxes by names so it gives each sister an understanding as to how many items they will be taking away.

8)   High level staging to take place on 2nd and 3rd floors.  Keep in mind that we are trying to create a clean and pleasant smelling home for potential builders.






With this being the 23rd of August I will assume everyone will be going into full time working schedules in September.  With that said I recommend we start this project on August 30th.  During that week OMP will use the fogger in the basement and complete tasks that are listed for the basement.  We are looking at a full week of grouping and containing.  I would request involvement from family members to give approval of any items being trashed or given away to various charities. Please note that OMP services are first come first served.  I do not intend this to be a deterrent however it is the nature of the business.  Also note that all windows will need to be open for a few sessions and our warm weather will not be with us for long.



Trading Places – furniture consignment store located inOakville

Ebay, kijiji and Craig’s list for furniture sales


Storage facility – Storage Mart located on Norseman (first month 99% free, storage space ranges from 2 x5 = $95 to 5 x 10 = $140. Climatized storage available


Metal scrappers – have two men available for metal items which is a free service


Canadian Diabetes pick up – next pick up for the area is Sept 9th, will also pick up small pieces of furniture


City garbage will pick up extra bags of garbage providing garbage tags are on them ($3.10) they can be purchased at any Toronto Canadian Tire.  Next garbage pick up is August 31st


Hydro Round up – will pick up any working refrigerator or freezer for free. (Note, the freezer is in working condition however it is an energy guzzler!)


ShredEX has home pickup or mobile shredding services. Depending on number of boxes will determine the cost.


Organize Me Please Rates

Consultations $99 (waived if services are employed)

Hourly rate $55

Hourly rate $52 (after 50 hours)

Hourly rate $30 (for junior assistant)

Hourly rate $25 (for administrative tasks)


Hourly rate for shopping $25


Deposits are required with clients when product purchases are necessary.


For referrals, OMP will offer two hours of organizing services free of charge.


References are gladly given.  Will provide client references that have had similar services from OMP.



What Organize Me Please brings to this endeavour:


I have eighteen years of experience in the IT Administration industry. I have five years experience as a professional organizer. That experience has allowed me to assist people with customized solutions to increase the efficiency of their home, their office or their individual requirements.  A highly motivated self-starter who combines enthusiasm with a strong work ethic to achieve outstanding results and excellent client service.   Key competencies:


• Listening skills

• Multitasking

• Proactive problem solving

• The production of accurate and detailed work

• Compassion




I look forward to the opportunity to organize your parents’ home so you can all have peace of mind.



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Consultation Report #1 – Senior downsizing and relocating project. Wed, 12 Dec 2012 17:49:14 +0000 This report provides you with an understanding of all the steps that it takes for a downsizing project to be successful. Let’s being…… Note: for quick scanning purposes see the italic sections. This is a review of the main concerns that we covered and discussed during our consultation.  The following points can serve as a […]

The post Consultation Report #1 – Senior downsizing and relocating project. appeared first on DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please.

This report provides you with an understanding of all the steps that it takes for a downsizing project to be successful. Let’s being……

Note: for quick scanning purposes see the italic sections.

This is a review of the main concerns that we covered and discussed during our consultation.  The following points can serve as a guide to keep us focused on your objectives:

Frustrations to be eliminated, obstacles to be overcome, and problems to be resolved…..

1)   The love for your Royal Dalton figurines has been noted and extra care and attention will be brought to these items so you can enjoy them for many years in your new home.

2)   We realize that this is a difficult transition for you but our mission is to make sure at the end of this project that you have settled comfortably into your new place and before long are calling it “home sweet home”.

3)   With so many details happening with your move, Organize Me Please will document all actions required and will ensure all details are met to your satisfaction.

Comments following from the above objectives:

1)   All Royal Dalton and any other delicate items will put on the asset sheets and them meticulously wrap and packed in sturdy boxes.  Organize Me Please will move these items from the apartment and deliver them to your new residence.  Once the furniture is in place at your new home we will carefully unpack your precious pieces and place them with your direction.

2)   To make sure you feel right at home in your new place we will ensure your precious pieces are put in the right places so you can have time to discover all the activities and services available at your new place.

3)   At the beginning of all projects Organize Me Please creates asset and action documents (see examples) so no pieces of property are missed and no details are left out.  These documents are given to the client to review but OMP is responsible for keeping them current, accurate and bringing them to completion.

Here are high level steps to get us started:

–      To start we will walk through the home to remove any items that are recyclables or trash, these are items that do not require a lot of decision making.

–      Next we will make a list of all items from each room and start assigning their new place at your new home (please see example attached to email).           This document will be important because it will be used by many people i.e. client, OMP, movers, Amica.

–      Next the action document will be prepared so we can ensure no details are missed. OMP will be responsible for all activities and will keep client current on all tasks.

–      Working spaces will be necessary so decisive decisions can be made by client.  The two working spaces that I would like to use are the master bed and the kitchen table top.  OMP will also clear around the working areas so they are safe to walk around. The second bedroom will also be prepared to receive boxes and bags that are going to the new residence so it will be easy for the movers to remove these items on the 21st.

–      As we work through decisions of where items will go, OMP will provide boxes and bags and label them with the appropriate locations i.e. Value village, goodwill, toss etc.) OMP will remove boxes and bags at the end of each session and drop off at VV, Goodwill, and Salvation Army etc. Number of bags and boxes that are given away will also be noted on final invoice so there are no misunderstandings.

–      All boxed and bagged items that are to be moved to new place will be well packed and labelled with room locations and placed in second bedroom.

–      All furniture pieces that will be going to the new residence will be labelled.

–      The kitchen will be done towards the end of the week because it will be in use right up until the 21st.  Obvious items that have not been used for a while will be discussed.  OMP will provide a cooler on the day of move for perishables so nothing is spoiled.

–      It is noted from our previous meeting that iron, small hand tools, carpet sweeper, broom and dust pan are necessary for the new place.

–      We will review the basement locker to assess which items need to be removed and what items will be taken to new place.

–      All clothing to be assessed and divided into seasons. We will be using your suitcases for clothing during the moving period. If off seasonal clothing is to go into the new locker then OMP would advise plastic containers.  Please note locker at new location is 3’ x 3’ x 3’ in size and OMP requested a locker on floor level so it is easier for client to access.

–      Items in bathroom to be assessed, items not used will be tossed. (old meds will be dropped off at a pharmacy) Will pack a toiletry bag and review current medications with client to ensure they are available during the move transition.

–      OMP will be available on moving day to ensure movers take all listed items to new residence.

–      OMP will also unpack and set up new residence to client specifications.

–      OMP is also responsible to ensure nothing is left in the apartment by the end of the month. (there will be further discussion in this area)


Waddingtons – antiques

Ebay, kijiji and Craig’s list for furniture sales, upright freezer

Metal scrappers – provide upon request

Canadian Diabetes – will pick up clothing, dishware, small appliances

Value Village – clothing, dishware, small appliances

Good will – clothing


What Organize Me Please brings to this endeavor:

I have eighteen years of experience in the IT Administration industry.  I have seven years’ experience as a professional organizer.  That experience has allowed me to assist people with customized solutions to increase the efficiency of their homes, their offices or individual requirements.  A highly motivated self-starter who combines enthusiasm with a strong work ethic to achieve outstanding results and excellent client services.  Key competencies:

  • · Listening skills
  • · Multitasking
  • · Proactive problem solving
  • · The production of accurate and detailed work
  • · Bonded and insured

Project Time:

Start date for project will be Monday March 12th @ 9am.

For the week of March 12th I anticipate 4 full days of organizing to occur. Please note I’m very proficient in packing but it is decision making that adds hours to the tasks at hand. If we are behind in the moving process OMP will offer Saturday March 17th as a day to catch up. OMP will mark on client’s calendar the following dates for the week of the 12th (Mon., March 12th, Wed Mar 14th, Thurs Mar 15th, Friday March 16th all sessions starting at 9:00AM.)

For the following week I have booked Monday March 19th, Tuesday March 20th and moving day Wed March 21st. There may be an additional day the following week to remove items from the apartment that are no longer needed.  I would like to classify this as a buffer day because if I can sell some items on the Kijiji website (i.e. green sofa, freezer) then I would have to be there to let the buyer in the apartment for pickup.


Consultation reports: $99 plus tax (fee waived if services are employed)

8 days @ $450.00 per day + mileage + HST.

One administrative day @ $280 + HST (asset/account documents, AMICA interaction, Waddington, etc.)

Supplies (i.e. boxes, wrapping paper, containers) all supply expenses are discussed with client prior to purchase.

Moving company’s estimate will be provided the week of March 12th

If an additional organizer is necessary for this project it will be discussed with client prior to employment.  Invoices are issued on Mondays for the previous working hours.

Note: It is sometimes difficult to gauge how long it takes for clients to make decisions on items, so with that said, if all days are not necessary, then I will advise client and mark on client’s calendar the changes so there is no misunderstanding on organizing dates.


Look forward to providing organizing services for you Mrs. Bell.



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Learn to say “too-da-loo” to those items …… Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:48:14 +0000 Learn to say “too-da-loo” to those items that have been in your family, or were a great deal, or I might need it someday, or…………………………….. Just the thought of letting go of precious items can cause unnecessary stress in our lives. Sometimes we just need a better perspective when viewing these precious items so we […]

The post Learn to say “too-da-loo” to those items …… appeared first on DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please.

Learn to say “too-da-loo” to those items that have been in your family, or were a great deal, or I might need it someday, or……………………………..
Just the thought of letting go of precious items can cause unnecessary stress in our lives. Sometimes we just need a better perspective when viewing these precious items so we can make better decisions without feeling the pain of a loss. Have a look at the following examples and see if you can identify with one so perhaps it will be easier to let go.

Value – Sometimes we feel there is a dollar value attached to our precious item because that is what we were told by a family member…… long ago. Take the time to investigate to see if the value is still applicable. An easy way to start is to check websites such as, or to see if your article or something similar to it is on one of these sites. This way you can get an understanding of what the market will bare for this particular item. Or if websites are not your thing them ask at antique shops what the market value would be. Once we have an understanding from a value perspective it may give us the permission to let go of it.

Space – When it is a family heirloom but you have no space for it perhaps at the next family get together (Christmas, Easter) you can ask family members if they would be interested in housing this particular piece. This way it stays in the family and someone has the spot to hold it. Space in any home is valuable real estate and remember if it’s not being used or it is left in a box then there is no real value to this piece except for taking up space.

Functional – If you just can’t let go of that cherished piece then think of ways for it to be functional. For example, if Aunt Mildred or your neighbour Mrs. McGillicuddy gave you her beautiful walnut dresser that doesn’t fit in with your décor, then perhaps it can go in the basement/storage to put your off seasonal clothes in. Or another example, Dad’s cherished rusty CCM bike that he used for many years that is just taking up space but with too many memories attached to it. Well then, snap your cap and get creative! Take Dad’s bike, spray paint it one colour and attach a bike basket to it with some lovely flowers and voila you have a beautiful lawn ornament for the season.

Make use of the item. Saying a proper goodbye to these items gives us the permission to let go of them. A lot of people receive china place settings from their families and they are cherished but not used because first of all, it is not their taste in a china pattern or they already have their own. A beautiful way to say goodbye is to use them for a month or so and then pack them up and perhaps donate. This way you and your family had time to enjoy them. Also note there are a few china consignment shops in the GTA that will take old patterns. Give Organize Me Please a call and I will give you the information that you will need. There is always someone out there that will appreciate these fine pieces but you just have to find them.

Use technology – digital cameras are a godsend when capturing our cherished pieces. One way of using this is taking a great picture of the item(s) and using them for your screen saver picture on your computer. You can change your screen saver picture once a month and enjoy seeing these items without taking up precious space. Another creative way is take Dad’s CCM bike and throw a Christmas wreath on it and take the picture. With copies of this picture you can make a Xmas card out of it and send to all family members so they can enjoy seeing dad’s bike with a greeting of Christmas cheer from you!
Another way is using canvas to display your items. Take the digital picture and put the image on a nice size canvas and it can be displayed in your own spot in the house. Whether that is in your bedroom or maybe the laundry room, it doesn’t take up space but creates a lovely anchor because every time u look at it you have fond memories and that is what should be in all of our homes!

At Organize Me Please what is precious to you is precious to us however we are great sounding boards and have many creative ideas to provide answers to your dilemmas or just be present to guide you through the process of letting go. A gentleman at the Old China Pattern shop in Scarborough once said to me, “I have never seen an U-Haul behind a hearse.”, so with that said, just say “too-da-loo.”

Free yourself of clutter today and say “hello” to an organized life!!

The post Learn to say “too-da-loo” to those items …… appeared first on DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please.

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So You’re Movin On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:33:44 +0000 Leaving the family home for a smaller residence can be especially difficult for seniors and their families. You have a lifetime of memories stored in the basement or in grown children’s rooms. You need someone who will act with kindness and sensitivity to see that your possessions are handled distributed properly. Putting this burden solely […]

The post So You’re Movin On appeared first on DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please.

Leaving the family home for a smaller residence can be especially difficult for seniors and their families.

You have a lifetime of memories stored in the basement or in grown children’s rooms. You need someone who will act with kindness and sensitivity to see that your possessions are handled distributed properly. Putting this burden solely on family members who are often very busy with their jobs and raising their own children can put an unnecessary strain on everyone’s lives and damage relationships at a time when you need support, not resentment.

A professional residential organizer can guide seniors through this journey with respect, compassion and commitment to integrity and reliability.

An organizer can provide but not be limited to the following services:

  • Personal consultation to assess moving needs

    This provides the opportunity for both parties to get acquainted with the situation at hand. The tally of pertinent information allows a customized plan to be created that can satisfy all parties.

  • Provide a concise list of all personal assets

    A concise list of personal assets creates a communication focal point for all. With this list it is easy to decipher which items go to new residence, family members, friends, donations or disposals.

  • Sort, pack, purge belongings and organize for the new home

    Packing is a long physical & mental process since it causes families to go down “memory lane” when reviewing items and especially deciding what stays or what goes. An impartial organizer can group items and act as a “sounding board” so the process is accomplished quickly, efficiently and with less stress and cost.

  • Help arrange the selection of items to be given away or sold

    An organizer has a wide range of inexpensive ways to remove unwanted articles. From on line classified options to charity article pickups. Either way it is a great way to recycle or perhaps re-coup extra money along the way.

  • Offer guidelines for the selection of a realtor, contractors, or storage facilities

    Experienced organizers have a list of highly recommended professionals for whatever the need may be. Organizers work with these professionals to ensure that all your needs are met at a reasonable cost.

  • Provide documents such as…

    “short list for 8 weeks prior to move”, Utility notification list, essential list during moving time etc., During the downsizing process there is always so much to remember, with conclusive lists it takes the guess work out of the process.

The main objective of an organizer is to help you to clearly define your goal and to create the frame work to direct you to an efficient completed result.

So what’s your situation? What is your next step? Are you saying to yourself, “I just don’t know where to begin?” Do you have the resources in place to make your move?

The post So You’re Movin On appeared first on DeClutter | Organize | Downsize | Estates | Burlington Organizer | Organize Me Please.

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